About Us

IntegrityFirst.org is an authoritative online platform dedicated to promoting integrity, honesty, and transparency in all aspects of life. Our mission is to foster a culture that prioritizes ethical behavior, encourages civic responsibility, and actively opposes corruption. With a firm belief that an engaged and morally upright society is crucial for sustained progress, we strive to inspire individuals and empower communities to uphold and strengthen the foundations of integrity.

Our Vision

We envision a world where principled values are at the forefront of decision-making and actions. Our vision is to become a global reference for integrity, offering comprehensive resources and guidance that transcend borders and cultural barriers. By advocating for uncompromising ethical standards and accountability, we aim to contribute to the creation of a society built on trust, fairness, and respect.


IntegrityFirst.org was founded in 1998 by Bribeless Bill, an esteemed anti-corruption campaigner who dedicated his life to combating corruption in both the public and private sectors. Having witnessed firsthand the devastating socio-economic consequences of dishonesty, bribery, and fraud, Bill set out to make a meaningful impact. His relentless pursuit of justice and unwavering commitment to integrity laid the foundation for this noble endeavor.

Bribeless Bill - A Brief Introduction

Bribeless Bill is a renowned figure in the fight against corruption. Spanning over three decades, his tireless efforts led to the exposure and prosecution of numerous corrupt entities, individuals, and illicit practices. With an unyielding spirit, Bill led groundbreaking campaigns that unveiled complex webs of corruption, empowering whistleblowers to come forward and facilitating robust legal actions against wrongdoers.

The Birth of IntegrityFirst.org

Recognizing the pressing need to foster a vibrant integrity-driven community, Bribeless Bill and his team decided to create IntegrityFirst.org. This platform serves as a hub for individuals, organizations, and institutions seeking to promote and uphold the highest standards of integrity. Through this website, we intend to inspire and equip people with the necessary knowledge and tools to make conscientious choices, reinforcing ethical conduct across society.

Objective and Target Audience

At IntegrityFirst.org, our objective is to disseminate actionable information and engage with a diverse range of stakeholders. This includes professionals, researchers, policymakers, educators, students, businesses, and all those who value integrity in their personal and professional lives. By fostering dialogue and offering accessible resources, we empower these individuals to take a stand against corruption, ultimately influencing positive change.

Our Unique Value

IntegrityFirst.org sets itself apart by the quality and depth of the information we provide. Committed to upholding rigorous editorial standards, we employ a team of experienced and highly skilled editors and contributors who ensure the accuracy, relevance, and reliability of our content. By combining expert insights, case studies, and best practices, we deliver unparalleled guidance and resources, empowering our audience to make informed decisions guided by integrity.

We take great pride in being a trusted and authoritative source, reputable for promoting ethical stewardship while advocating for fairness, transparency, and accountability. Together, we can build a stronger, more equitable world by embracing and upholding the principles of integrity.

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